
The latest


A brief summary of our work: from project design and development to specific consulting or presentation of research results.

Research studies and projects
  • HIRU projects
    – A study of dysmenorrhea in women living at high altitude  (2020–ongoing)
    – Volunteering/International Cooperation: medical asistance in womens’ health during the COVID-19 pandemic in a rural setting in Peru (2020)
    – Knowledge-sharing project to improve public involvement in womens’ health and research: “Protagonista de tu salud: piensa, siente, haz.” Conference cycle in collaboration with Pamplona’s city council. (2021–en curso) More +
  • Collaborations
    Simple radiologic assessment of visceral obesity and prediction of surgical morbidity in high-risk endometrial cancer: a reliability and accuracy pilot study. A. Correa-Paris, V. Gorraiz, B. Díaz-Feijoo, J. Gilabert-Estelles, A. Gil Moreno (HIRU, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Hospital General de Valencia). [Manuscript elaboration and publication] (2020–ongoing) More+
Research results publication
  • HIRU publications
    (coming soon)
  • Collaborations

– Simple radiologic assessment of visceral obesity and prediction of surgical morbidity in endometrial cancer patients undergoing laparoscopic aortic lymphadenectomy: A reliability and accuracy study. A. Correa-Paris, V. Gorraiz, B. Díaz-Feijoo, J. Gilabert-Estelles, A. Gil Moreno (HIRU, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Hospital La Paz de Madrid,  Hospital General de Valencia). [Manuscript writting & publishing] (2020–2023) read the paper+

Implementation of a post-fracture care program in a private hospital in Colombia. M.A. Sánchez, J.E. Segura, G. Alajmo, J.M. Nossa, A. Correa, E. Leal, A. Moscoso, G.A. Pineda, A.C. Aya. (2020). [Manuscript revision and editing] More+

– Linfadenectomía paraaórtica extraperitoneal en cáncer de cérvix localmente avanzado. Estudio multicéntrico SPAIN-GOG . B. Díaz-Feijoo (Hospital Vall d’Hebron). [Keynote design for the 35º Congreso Nacional de Ginecología Oncológica de la SEGO, 2019]

  • 2021 – Knowledge-sharing project to improve public involvement in womens’ health and research. Awarded a subsidy from Pamplona’s city council More+.

All of the data we collect from research projects will be available to everyone (in open repositories). And we’ll publish all our results in Open Access publications.

Much more in our social networks.

Read more in our blog.