The latest
Punto Rojo (menstrual education project)
Study: Menstruation at high altitude in the Andes
A brief summary of our work: from project design and development to specific consulting or presentation of research results.
- HIRU projects
– A study of dysmenorrhea in women living at high altitude (2020–ongoing)
– Volunteering/International Cooperation: medical asistance in womens’ health during the COVID-19 pandemic in a rural setting in Peru (2020)
– Knowledge-sharing project to improve public involvement in womens’ health and research: “Protagonista de tu salud: piensa, siente, haz.” Conference cycle in collaboration with Pamplona’s city council. (2021–en curso) More + - Collaborations
– Simple radiologic assessment of visceral obesity and prediction of surgical morbidity in high-risk endometrial cancer: a reliability and accuracy pilot study. A. Correa-Paris, V. Gorraiz, B. Díaz-Feijoo, J. Gilabert-Estelles, A. Gil Moreno (HIRU, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Hospital General de Valencia). [Manuscript elaboration and publication] (2020–ongoing) More+
- HIRU publications
(coming soon) - Collaborations
– Simple radiologic assessment of visceral obesity and prediction of surgical morbidity in endometrial cancer patients undergoing laparoscopic aortic lymphadenectomy: A reliability and accuracy study. A. Correa-Paris, V. Gorraiz, B. Díaz-Feijoo, J. Gilabert-Estelles, A. Gil Moreno (HIRU, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Hospital La Paz de Madrid, Hospital General de Valencia). [Manuscript writting & publishing] (2020–2023) read the paper+
– Implementation of a post-fracture care program in a private hospital in Colombia. M.A. Sánchez, J.E. Segura, G. Alajmo, J.M. Nossa, A. Correa, E. Leal, A. Moscoso, G.A. Pineda, A.C. Aya. (2020). [Manuscript revision and editing] More+
– Linfadenectomía paraaórtica extraperitoneal en cáncer de cérvix localmente avanzado. Estudio multicéntrico SPAIN-GOG . B. Díaz-Feijoo (Hospital Vall d’Hebron). [Keynote design for the 35º Congreso Nacional de Ginecología Oncológica de la SEGO, 2019]
- 2021 – Knowledge-sharing project to improve public involvement in womens’ health and research. Awarded a subsidy from Pamplona’s city council More+.
All of the data we collect from research projects will be available to everyone (in open repositories). And we’ll publish all our results in Open Access publications.